Wednesday, July 8, 2015

La Carrera y el Desayuno de Dames

I (Jeff) survived the run with Juan Carlos and Manuel.  We ran up a hill that was about one hour long, followed by rolling terrain for another 30 minutes.  Manuel, who is my language instructor, hasn’t been running much and today was a bit more than he was up to.  This probably saved me since Juan Carlos weighs about 90 lbs and could have really pushed the pace. 

The run was a very cool way to learn more about Guatemala.  Juan Carlos asked if I wanted to run to a secret place.  Heck ya!  The secret placed ended up being a sacred grove in the woods with a statue of the Virgin Mary.  It is really interesting how Catholicism has mixed with the pre-Columbian traditions.  The family that was there praying was making a burnt offering, which we learned was an important part of Mayan ceremonies at Tikal.  Juan Carlos told me that this grove is also where families give thanks to nature.

The views of the lake and surrounding volcanos during the run were incredible.  I thought this might be a new morning ritual, so I asked them about safety.  They told me I was fine jogging with them, but shouldn’t jog this road by myself because robbers target gringos (my word).  I said, “When I run, I have nothing to steal.”  He said they might kidnap me for ransom.  I had heard this before, so I was disappointed but not surprised.  Sadly, my other options are the cobblestone streets of San Pedro.

Juan Carlos asked if there were laws in the US about how old you had to be to date.  I told him that there were no laws limiting dating, but we did have statutory rape laws.  Juan Carlos (who is 21) then said he would like to take Lynn out on a date.  I said, “Can I come?”  He and Manuel said that Juan Carlos likes to joke around a lot.  Excellent joke Juan Carlos.

While Jeff was off running, the girls and I (Kathy) headed to the gym.  We worked out, Brooke puked, and then returned to a wonderful breakfast with Marta – a ladies breakfast.  She made a breakfast of fresh fruit – papaya, watermelon, cantelope, and bananas – with yogurt.  She had fresh honey and syrup from San Pedro to go along with it. Delicious!

I sat at the table and visited with Marta for a while after breakfast.  She complimented me on the girls and how helpful they are, and how well they get along with each other.  She said Lynn seems much older than 16 years old.  She said she is enjoying having us here.  I told her how we are very much enjoying being with her!  I also learned that her husband died 31 days after her youngest son was born.  Did he die in the civil war?  I did not ask.  We have already learned from her niece, Jonna, that one of Marta’s brothers died in the civil war, and her husband’s time of death was during the civil war.  Maybe we’ll find out while we are here.

Today I began teaching English to two Guatemalan women through the school.  They are both in their early 20’s. Through the school you can volunteer your time to help Guatemalans learn English.  We went over vocabulary, questioning words, and began to answer basic “Do you want…?” questions.  Tomorrow Jeff and I will both teach the two women in the morning. 

So far it seems our time has been eating, sleeping, and speaking/practicing Spanish.  This weekend we hope to visit some of the other villages around the lake.  Tonight, after dinner, we will shop a little.  We are very much enjoying our time in San Pedro – all four of us.  The girls told us last night that they really liked it here and have settled in.  They love Marta and being in her home.  It was nice to hear!
The girls studying in their bedroom.


  1. Not sure why. She felt lousy until after lunch. But... ate both breakfast (including the chocolate cake) and lunch. By dinner she was fine. She especially enjoyed her ice cream tonight!

  2. Loving all the pictures and info, you guys. Please don't get kidnapped for ransom...or any other reason! Keep your eye on those girls.

  3. Will try our best not to get kidnapped. Between Marta and ourselves, we're keeping an eye on the girls! No worries.
