Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sunrise Tour

Because sleep is overrated, we awoke at 3:30 am on Saturday morning for our sunrise tour of Tikal.  We met Caesar, our guide, outside the Jaguar Inn where he had coffee waiting.  At 4 am, flashlights in hand, Caesar, the 4 of us, and 11 others headed into the park.
Caesar stopped along the way to give us information about park wildlife – both in English and Spanish.  However, when walking he insisted on “silencio” so that we could all experience the jungle as it was wakening.  We could hear the howler monkeys in the distance and let me tell you, I would not have wanted to be an early explorer in the jungle. Frightening sound!

We made it to the top of Temple #4 as the sun was rising.  We sat on the top, along with other tour groups, and listened to the animals.  Spider monkeys climbed among the treetops at our feet and parrots flew between the trees.  The howler monkeys continued to make a HUGE raucous a short distance from us.

The temples at sunrise.

Unfortunately, the morning was cloudy so we didn’t get the full effect of the sunrise.  But… the view was amazing and the animals were impressive.  A coatimundi was walking around the top of the temple while we were there.  Beggar!

Although we were all tired, we agreed we were glad we did the sunrise tour.  We headed back to our bungalow for a nap after a pleasant walk back to the Jaguar Inn with Caesar.  All of the others in the tour group stayed at the site after the tour, so we enjoyed a walk alone with Caesar, chatting about politics and life in Guatemala.
Caesar reminded us, Aunt Nancy, a little of Dietrich from our Underground Tour in Seattle.  One of our favorite quotes of his is, "You're downstream without a paddle, brother."  He also repeatedly referred to his fellow countrymen as, "My people."  He was proud of his heritage, which we appreciated.
Caesar and our tour group.

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